Update from NZ Golf re Covid-19

To All Golf Clubs, Golf Facilities and District Associations

Dear All,

Over the weekend and through today, New Zealand Golf has continued work with government on what a move to Alert Level 3 will mean for golf.

With Sport NZ guidance, we will have confirmed regulations for golf at Alert Level 3 by the close of Wednesday this week.

It is clear that golf will be able to be played at Alert Level 3 however there will be specific restrictions and guidelines around this.

I can assure you we are pushing as hard as possible on this matter however we will not have the information confirmed by the relevant authorities until Wednesday of this week.

While this is 48 hours away, this timing will still ensure there is plenty of time for golf clubs and facilities to prepare for next week.

Please be in touch with me if you have any specific questions. Otherwise I will be back to you on Wednesday with further advice.

Kind regards,

Dean Murphy
Chief Executive
New Zealand Golf
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