Traps in and ready to go!
Update from City Sanctuary (Predator Free Dunedin) about trapping at the St Clair Golf Club
Our first round of monitoring using chew cards showed high rates of possum. Almost every monitoring device was chewed by a possum, meaning they are moving around most of the course.
We’ve now installed a network of 40 traps targeting possums, rodents and stoats. The possum traps were set for two nights last week and got three possums already – there will be more where that comes from!
Because it’s getting close to Christmas, all traps have been deactivated and will be reset in mid-January.
Feel free to have a look at the traps next time you’re on the course but please don’t touch or set them. If you’re keen to help check the traps in the new year, please email Zac (zac@citysanctuary.nz) and he will be in touch when we are ready to do training.
It’s been lovely spotting korimako/bellbirds, kereru, pied oystercatchers/ torea and paradise shelducks/putakitaki while working at the course. Keep your eyes open for native birds next time you’re doing a round and let us know what you see!